Trading Card of Indice from Osasuna team from Base series with number 456 from the Mundicromo Las Fichas de la Liga 2009 Collection.
Trading Card of Nekounam from Osasuna team from Base series with number 449 from the Mundicromo Las Fichas de la Liga 2009 Collection.
Trading Card of Roversio from Osasuna team from Base series with number 448 from the Mundicromo Las Fichas de la Liga 2009 Collection.
Trading Card of Héctor Font from Osasuna team from Base series with number 445 from the Mundicromo Las Fichas de la Liga 2009 Collection.
Trading Card of Javier Flaño from Osasuna team from Base series with number 444 from the Mundicromo Las Fichas de la Liga 2009 Collection.
Trading Card of Roberto from Osasuna team from Base series with number 438 from the Mundicromo Las Fichas de la Liga 2009 Collection.
Trading Card of Ziganda from Osasuna team from Base series with number 436 from the Mundicromo Las Fichas de la Liga 2009 Collection.
Trading Card of Line Up from Osasuna team from Base series with number 435 from the Mundicromo Las Fichas de la Liga 2009 Collection.
Trading Card of Camuñas from Recreativo team from El Mejor Smooth Square Toe series with number 432 from the Mundicromo Las Fichas de la Liga 2009 Collection.
Trading Card of Jesús Vázquez from Recreativo team from Crack Smooth Square Toe series with number 431 from the Mundicromo Las Fichas de la Liga 2009 Collection.
Trading Card of Aitor from Recreativo team from Capitán Smooth Square Toe series with number 430 from the Mundicromo Las Fichas de la Liga 2009 Collection.
Trading Card of Indice from Recreativo team from Base series with number 429 from the Mundicromo Las Fichas de la Liga 2009 Collection.